Are you wondering who I am talking about??
Could it be this guy??

Or maybe its this guy?

I don't know...these guys could be dramatic couldn't they??
Well, the drama king I'm talking about is not any of these handsome guys.
I don't know about you...but when I hear the phrase "drama queen" I get a little annoyed. I am not a fan of the drama queen adult. And...I'm not sure if I have ever heard a man called a "drama king." Have you??
Well, since it was Wednesday morning and the crew was all still in the bed at 8:30, I had a prime time opportunity to watch our beloved, Beth Moore, on Life Today. I hope you got a chance to see it. If not, PLEASE check this one out on the web.
Something cool I got out of it and want to share is this....
God is the biggest adventure of your life. HE is the ultimate drama King!
However, we all tend to be satisfied, comfortable, and content right where we are. Are you one of those people?? I am. Isn't it much easier and safer to stay in that comfort zone??
She said that if we are compelled by comfort then we will miss the greatest adventure of our lives. In order to "go" somewhere new, we have to leave.
One more time...
In order to "go" somewhere new, we have to leave.
Our calling is probably and most likely way out of our comfort zone.
Ouch again.
My 2 cents is this....If you are feeling content, bored, not thrilled by God, or feeling at is probably time to see and listen how He is ready to take you to a new place.
I do believe that God has ants in His pants and is completely anxious for us to get them too.
He's completely ready to move us girls.
Think about a crazy, scary, thrilling time in your life when you thought you would never come out alive but could look back on it and found it to be the most fun of your life and one of the closest times with Christ. That is the adventure!!
I want an adventure with Him. I don't want to miss it. I know it's going to be scary and in the uncomfortable zone. I want to go. I really do.
I'm scared to death though.
"Lord, I know that you have new places for me. I have felt it coming for awhile. Would you please increase my belief and faith in You so that I can quit digging my feet in the sand and go with You?"
Let's go everybody! Ask Him where He wants to take you. It's going to be worth it. We can do it. If you have done "Believing God" then you know the 5 statements of faith. I'm going to find my workbook and read them again. And, then pray hard!!
hugs and blessings,