Sunday, April 5, 2009

These two are apprently growing up

This isn't going to be some deep spiritual post because my Momma's heart has had a little eye opening in the last few days and I really just want to spit it out to my amazing bloggy friends who will definitely encourage us!

I need to let you know I just came out of a weekend completely realizing that my kids are growing up......especially these older two boys. Clay will be 13 this Summer (can't stand it) and Tyler is 11 (can't stand that either).

This Tuesday, their dad is going to the first of four classes called "Straight Talk for Guys" and then the boys go with him for the next 3 weeks. I think I just got sick thinking about it. I won't go into great detail because I don't think I need to explain....thank goodness because I just couldn't go into guy talk (if you get my drift) for the sake of this being a family blog.

My babies are about to learn things I don't want them to learn. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a sheltering fool or anything, but I just am kind of in a semi state of shock that they are about to learn all about things. This is an excellent program that they are ready for and we need to conquer on the front end and not the back end. I'm just finding it hard to swallow that my kids are finally old enough to be told certain things.

I will be ok. I will. Right?

I really just wish I could drop all things and spend the next several years totally pouring out my heart and self to these kids. They won't be with me forever. WAIT??? THEY WON'T???!!!!!!

I'm feeling sick again.

So, let's claim to be the best momma's and daddy's we can be. If you need to let go of some things in order to do that, I'm praying that we can all do that.

We have one shot to raise this generation to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. ONE SHOT. That's it.

When God commanded us to love Him with everything we had, he also asked us to......

"teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:7-9

Let's do this parenting this with everything we have. We have one shot at it.

They grow up.
Love y'all!!


His Girl said...

Oh, I hear ya, girl! My son is turning 14 in May (can't stand that either) and I can't believe how tall and hairy and GROWN UP he's getting.

But here's a slice of hope- I really really am liking this kid more all the time. Finally beginning to see some of the stuff we've been learning over the years come into action. Good stuff, you know?

Jenny said...

Oh, Fran! I can't even imagine. I am from an all-girl family and we didn't have to worry about all that boy stuff. It is sad that they HAVE to learn about all that.. but it's better for them to hear it from their daddy then from the other 13 year olds!

I'm praying for you and for your sweet boys, that the Lord would protect their minds and guard their hearts.

love you

Patty said...

Speaking as a mom of 2 adult sons, I can tell you and this is something you already know, that we need to enjoy every moment with our children. One day they will be grown and out of the house and living their own lives and that is the way it should be but there will always be a place in our hearts where we miss the days of being a momma to a little boy/girl. I still cannot believe I will have a 21 yr. old this year! I know that he will be out of the house soon and I know some of saying, he hasn't left yet. ;) Seriously, the relationship is as sweet with adult children as it was when they were little. I have loved every phase/season with them.
Love you,

Anonymous said...

That "one shot" sure hit me like a bolt one day too. You always know it's true and you tell others all of the time - especially those with wee ones. Yet, it matters not because there still is that moment in time when you run smack into that glass wall and it really sinks in.

Your boys are so fortunate to have this specific sharing time with their Dad. In my house it's a bit different. I'm the main go-to person to talk with my son and that's hard because it's not quite the same. It's too hard for my husband. At least at this point, but I'm still holding out hope. :)

Toknowhim said...

You are going to be alright :) You have the Lord on your side :)

FYI: Another awesome resource is Family Life's "Passport to Purity"... It is another resource that you could use at home...


Inksstillwet said...

SO not ready for this either. It's hard to believe that my lil guy that was looking up at the moon Sat night and said, "Isn't that moon just beautiful?" will someday be old enough to have the guy talk with his daddy. Oh, Fran, I'll be praying for your man to have discernment and clear direction through the classes with the boys.

A Stone Gatherer said...

Those verses are my mantra at church to parents! I just hope that I am doing enough at home to instill in my kids the Biblical World view values!

Rachel said...

awww. sniff sniff. Yes, i dread that same...kind of conference/talk.

so does that mean i should head the call to HS my kids? Totally laughing...kind of. It really does put it in perspective doesn't it? I'm marveling that I'll have a 5 year old next month. unreal.

Jesus, take our mothering hearts. Hold them, tend to them. Bind them when they're broken, pour into them when they're tired. Keep them faithful to pray, hopeful in expectation and always tender to Your leading. May our children be able to say with confidence, "my mom truly did LOVE me." amen.

ocean mommy said...

I think I just got a little sick for you!

You are so right...we get one shot. Those are some powerful words there momma!!

Love you,

Shelley said...

What? You mean they won't be yelling...MOMMYINEEDTOGOPOTTYYYYYY...forever? JK, I feel your heart on this Fran. What a tough thing to be facing. I'll be praying for you, and them!

connorcolesmom said...

Oh great now I am sitting here with BIG ole tears in my eyes missing my boys!
They just left for the week and I was so excited but now I miss their sweet voices
Ok I am over it - hehe
Seriously though they do grow up fast and we need to cherish this time with them
I am thankful that we have God as our perfect FAther and COmforter and Friend!
Love you

beckyjomama said...

And this is EXACTLY why I'm praying Jesus comes back before mine are teenagers!!

Cheryl said...

I know exactly how you feel!!!

Our kids grow up so fast and this culture is trying to take them from us, we have to do all we can to prepare them!

I'll be praying!

Gran Jan said...

Oh Fran: What a post - I remember those days so well, and am so thankful for my husband who took this part of "boy-raising" seriously!

Don't blink girl, for your boys will be grown soon - mine are now 24 and 27 years old! This stage is so much fun and adult children are great when you prepare the way like you and your husband are doing right now!!!

Plus, now I've got that little grandson and it is fun having a little boy all over again!!!

Bless you friend,

Tammy said...

*sniff* My oldest will be turning 10 next month and I am just not ready for him to grow up. He is so sweet and completely innocent and I just want him to stay that way.

Lots of prayer goes on all the time.

Where does the time go?!

MelanieJoy said...

Hang in there! You are planting some wonderful seeds in some "Rich" soil.
How have you been? I've been away way to long...I've been up to my nose in school. Spring Break is next week =)

Carolyn said...

OK, this is making me cry! one shot, yes. Why can't I seem to get things right? Encouragement to keep trying, pick back up, try again.
We are also dreading that talk... must find out about this program you are doing -- will google it. I think we have another year maybe!

Thanks for the post.

Unknown said...

My husband is dong something similar with is called "Every Young Mans Battle" and there is a workbook too. This year was a huge year of growth and maturity for him, and it has been a total blast! Although, it is bittersweet, because as much as I love seeing him grow and reach new goals, I am also fully aware that he is heading into his last year of middle school. Our time is so limited with him.

I'm going to post a little about this on my could be a novel, so I guess I will just say it there!
Love you Fran! Those boys sure are blessed to have such a sensitive and caring momma! Your love for them is so evident!

Lindsee said...

If I'm not mistaken, we had this conversation in San Antonio in the van. Did we not? About your boys growing up and learning about these "things?!" You are a great Mama, Fran. Just keep lovin' on them and they will be wonderful boys who marry wonderful girls!

Love you,


Mary said...

This whole growing up thing is just for the birds!! I love my girls, but I'd like for them to stop growing older. Now. Thank you very much.

Fran, you're incredible!

Alana said...

I'm hyperventilating at the thought of being where you are in just a few short years. Pave the way, my friend, and share your wisdom with me!

I blog so you can get a glimpse into my life as wife, mom of 3 boys, and someone who simply wants to bless others along the way. Have fun and be sweet :)

Boy 1

Boy 1

Boy 2

Boy 2

Boy 3

Boy 3

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