My boys are with their grandparents this week so I thought I would let you look at how cute they are and remember with me how cute they are! *Big grin*
I know they are having a blast with their grandparents and cousins and I'm so grateful for the break as a mom and am thrilled to think about about the memories they are creating.
However, I still won't walk into their rooms or I might cry. I won't watch the Disney channel because I might cry. I can hardly look at "their stuff" without wanting to cry.
Lord help me as they grow and one day leave my house and stop being right up under my wing.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Just stare at them for a sec with me
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The brain is dead
Since it is summer and my brain only works in 140 characters or less apparently....
I'm spending my time over here and here if you wish to follow because obviously the blog requires more than 140 characters!!! :)
Is it just me or are we all enjoying the dog days of summer?
I do love summer though! Hope you are enjoying it!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Oh, hello....I'm here.
Oh my word. I think I just took a little bloggy summer break. Good for me!!!
I will have you know that we have been busy...doing what? Not sure, but we are busy!
It's hotter than hot outside.
The kids are playing some good baseball and I never get tired of watching them play!
I'm ready to start Me, Myself, and Lies with the LPM blog. I've missed being in Bible study.
I just saw a commercial for the Potty Patch for dogs. Its like a big chunk of grass in your house where they can go to the bathroom. HUH?
I love my new crackberry phone *grin*
Sometimes it's hard to be a leader. You may not be liked at times.
I'm reading Same Kind of Different As Me right now. AMAZING story. Highly recommend it.
I haven't been on vacation yet. We like to go smack dab in the middle of July when it's the hottest down in the gulf coast.
And one confession....I haven't unpacked one ounce of the kids backpacks from a month ago when school ended. Obviously I'm done with school.
Ok, that's enough of fun tid bit information into our world.
Hope your summer is going well!
Love y'all like crazy!
Hugs and blessings~
Friday, June 12, 2009
This is what I'm doing...what are you doing?
Going to see a little Sugarland!!!
Going to see a little Keith Urban!!!!
What are you doing fun lately??? I hope something really good. :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Big mouth
I was sitting in the dentist office yesterday with my oldest son. The other two boys had been last week, but the oldest boy couldn't go at that time because he was at basketball camp. Don't you love it when you have to go to the dentist twice in one week? Didn't think so.
Thankfully, the appointment was quick and painless for both of us. But, while I was waiting I picked up a local Christian newspaper thingy and skimmed an article about our mouths and the power of our mouth and the words we speak.
We all know this right?? Nothing new here right??
But, in the article were 3 bullet points that I thought were worth repeating so here you go.....
**A mature faith shapes our speech--guards our mouths and refines our conversation
**A mature faith is grounded in the word of God (whoa)
**A mature mind is transformed by the teachings of Christ and becomes the filter through which our speech must pass (I need a better filter) someone who likes to talk and whose mouth can be her worst enemy, I need this reminder. I might need to print this off and have it before me in a public place. And as women who tend to talk way more than our counterpart.....lets make sure our mouths are being used in the most powerful effective way possible.
As parents, I think it is of utmost importance to make sure that you are continually teaching the word of God to your children so that His teachings become a filter for them as they talk, and share, and engage in conversation.
I could write a huge post at that last paragraph, but I'm not ready. Maybe one day.
Have a great day!!
Hugs and blessings~
Friday, June 5, 2009
Swimming with snakes
Um yeah...this is one large snake that was found on the back of the fence. Uh huh. Yeah. You read that right and you see it right. This precious little guy was seen on the back of the fence and we watched him like a hawk until the man below came and saved the day. You should have heard us momma's squeal when the shovel began to take his life. SNAKES CREEP ME OUT!
Kids totally loved all this snake drama. I personally did not. I was happy to see him go to another place., let's get down to some summer fun.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It's all about attitude
My oldest son is in a basketball camp at Union University. A fine program at a fine school. So glad he is going. He came home with a sheet of paper all about "attitude." Yeah...I could use a new one a lot of days. Each day of the camp has a new focus. I thought if your kids need a prayer for attitude in whatever they have going on this summer, you could copy and paste this and print it out.
This prayer happens to be titled "The Athletes Prayer".......
Lord, please clear my head of all distractions, and my heart of burdens I may bear, so I may perform my very best, knowing you'll always be there.
Please lift me up before the moment, so through Your eyes I may see, and have a clearer understanding, as the game unfolds before me.
With great courage I will meet this challenge, as you would have me to, but keep me humble and remind me, that my strength comes from knowing you.
Then when all eyes are upon me, at the end of this big game, I will turn their eyes to You O'Lord, and to the glory of Your name,
In Jesus Name, Amen.
You don't have to be an athlete to use this prayer....I think it could apply to any of us!
"As water reflects a face so a man's heart reflects the man." Proverbs 27:19
Hugs and blessings~