Ok...I have noticed the calendar and December is ON US PEOPLE!!! I'm totally freaked out.
We have lots of birthdays and then just the normal Thanksgiving/Christmas stuff going on and I'm just slightly overwhelmed.
Ya see.....
I haven't bought ONESINGLETHING for anyone for Christmas.
Anyone else?
Are you all done? Why do I feel like the whole world is finished except for me?
Please tell me I'm not alone.
And, can you give me a brilliant idea for a 12 and 13 year old boy that isn't a $300 electronic something?
Ok, I'm catching the Christmas spirit and trying so very hard to remember the real reason for Christmas.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
Oh yeah, the darling picture above? It's last years. I'm just realizing I haven't thought about Christmas cards at all. Nice.
Love y'all!
Tis the season~
Monday, November 30, 2009
Stress maybe? Denial?
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You're NOT alone ... We bought our first gifts this weekend ... and have absolutley NOTHING that needs to get in the mail.
Okay woman - give yourself some grace. You've been going through some major transitions these past few months (well, more really!).
And you have PLENTY of time girlfriend! Seriously! If I know you, you can knock out a good, fun shopping trip and make some productive head way in one day. But you still have like 25!!! You have time! And grace! And Jesus :)
Love to you
You are not alone, my friend.
I am with you - where did November go???
I am heading out today to get some things for the boys but I have no idea what to get Craig - sigh!
And Christmas cards are always such a pain for us - 'tis the season!!!
Much love
I haven't shopped at all! I'm planning on going with our siesta, Kate, this Saturday.
My Chris found a deal for 3 fishing rods for kids for $25.
I think our Christmas is going to be scaled back a bit from previous years. No worries about the kids, though. My parents will go crazy and buy them way too much.
Enjoy this month, friend, and let it be delightful!! No worries, hurries or cares--it's all His.
Ahh, Fran, I'm right there with you. I JUST THIS VERY MINUTE ordered baby girl's gift. That is all I have. I don't know what else I'm buying.
Christmas cards? What? Oh crap.
Great post much appreciate the time you took to write this
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