I had a very short conversation with a momma over the weekend at the ballfield and I CANNOT LET IT GO FOR THE LIFE OF ME.
What if we put as much time, effort and energy into our kids spiritual development that we do into their academic development??
Yep. Smack in the face.
Whatcha think??
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Slapped me in the face!!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
We went and got all Baptist on ya!
Well, we did it.
It's been almost one year and it was time.
For those of you who may remember a little bit of our church story you know that we have been on the hunt since early last September to find us a new home. This year has definitely been the most difficult for me personally, but also the most rewarding. I don't want to go back. I want to move forward. Funny how we wouldn't trade all that hurt and disappointment for one single minute. God has brought us to a beautiful place of healing and growth, but most of all a flat out love for Him like never before!
God is faithful to move you forward when you are willing to move slowly and diligently. The last year has been more of a slow and steady pace with me and God. That is a true test for someone that has to constantly work on patience.
Soooooo......this is a little bit about our new home. Yep...it's a brand new denomination....Methodist to Baptist for anyone interested or may have a question or ten about that. And, yep....we know a whopping 15 people there. And yep....I may or may not be having issues with "fitting in." But that is what women do. We worry about fitting in and it's completely ridiculous isn't it? Geeez....that is a totally different post called "Why do women still battle insecurity at the age of 40? And in church for cryin' out loud!"
So, if you are a Baptist or have moved churches....I would love for you to share some beautiful words of "welcome" or something funny or something I may need to watch out for. ;)
Thank you Englewood Baptist Church for being our new home. I CANNOT wait to see what God has in store for me and my family. We are here to learn, love, grow and serve!!
Hang in there if you are in the search for a new church home. Having walked the road, I keep you tucked in close to my heart. He'll show you the way.
Now, excuse me while I dance my way down the Baptist aisle!! ;)
Hugs and blessings,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Way to go preacher. Hit me smack between the eyes!
Last Sunday we were in church. I love this church so very much. I love this pastor so very much. The guy can BRING IT!!! He is simply pouring out so unselfishly what the Holy Spirit is pressing on his heart. It's such an awesome thing.
He was rockin' and rollin' along with his sermon and then somewhere he stopped to ask us parents 5 questions that I CANNOT LET GO OF. Apparently I am clearly convicted over one or three of these and have some work to do.
Here is a snippet of scripture and then the 5 questions.
Deuteronomy 6: 5-9 "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about then when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframe of your houses and on your gates."
Ben defines "impressed" as being put on them forcefully to where it leaves a mark. We also CANNOT pass along what hasn't passed through us.
Ok, 5 questions to think about and truly pray over.
1. If my child asked "what is the gospel" could I answer them clearly and quote scripture?
2. When was the last time my child interrupted me in prayer?
3. If I died today, would my bible be a keepsake for my children?
4. Do I want my children to enjoy time with God?
5. If you asked your child "what is important to your parents?" would they answer God, church or the bible?
I hope you can't let this one go like I can't let it go.
What truly matters? We have a legacy to live for generations to come.
Hugs and blessings~
Monday, August 2, 2010
Teenage years.....pray a lot and love your hair wizard!
Well, detox is complete. And, I'm referring to the post vacation detox. Trying to get myself and these kiddos back on some kind of track, but I'm realizing they are having "end of the summer blues." Bless 'em. I think I hear a school bell ringing. ;)
I wanted to share a few pix of celebrating my oldest turning 14. Did you hear that? He is 14. Oh geez. How did I manage to have a child at 15? Oh, I kid. I'm 30 and not 29.
A few things to note when you have two teenagers that have really stopped me dead in my tracks...
*Not a shocker on this one, but parents do not parent the same. This gets especially interesting when you hit these teenage years. I'm learning just how conservative I am.
*This world is NUTS and you must know how to parents these teens. If you don't know what you are doing, find a friend or mentor who has walked the road and parents similar to you!
*I'm sick of beer and alcohol being "normal." I don't want my kids growing up in a bubble, but man we are competing against some pretty clever marketers. Movies and tv are just as bad. We gotta stay on top of what our kids are watching.
*GREATEST lesson at this stage....these kids are watching your every move. They are watching IT ALL. They are taking it all in. They want to see if things "line up" like you've been saying all these years.
*Talk, talk, talk, talk to your kids about EVERYTHING...and I mean everything. And not just the one time talk about sex, alcohol, drugs, bullying, mean kids, etc. Keep the conversation going and going and going. Find great resources for your area that can help you. It's a must!
Would you like to see some pix of the birthday celebration? Some are at my inlaws house and their pool. Some pix are here at our house with my mom and dad. Some pix are at Outback because the boy gets to pick the place.
I'll be writing a book on surviving the teen years. I need some distraction because I think all we do is pray every other minute, and sit in the hair wizard chair to cover all the grey that comes in by the day. ;)
Happy August!
Hugs and blessings~