Did you happen to see this show last night???
I cried like a big ole 38 yr old baby. And, loved every bit of it. Thank goodness I missed "Extreme Home Makeover--Home Edition" because I'm pretty sure I would have been completely wiped out by the end of both of those shows.
God wired me with a heart of compassion for helping others, for truly caring deeply about others, for wanting good things for everyone, for hurting when others hurt, for rejoicing when others rejoice. That can be good and it can also be too much sometimes.
Like last night for example.....I wanted to call Oprah and tell her to sign me up and let me help them. I WANT TO HELP THESE PEOPLE!! I WANT ON THE BIG GIVE!!!
If you didn't get to see the show last night....please watch it next Sunday at 8pm central.
It was absolutely beautiful.....regardless of people getting "kicked off" or maybe "eliminated" is a better word. These people were helping change the lives of other people.
Y'all....that is who we are.
That is what we are called to do.
That is what Jesus expects us to do.
It IS better to give than to receive.
We are supposed to help our fellow man.
Ecclesiastes 4:10 has been something I've been talking and teaching to our children at church about. And....its so very simple.....if someone falls down, we are supposed to pick them up.
Falling down can look like 101 different ways.
I hope that you are intentionally working for God's kingdom every single day. What are you doing today that will make an eternal difference in the life of someone else???
Its a big question. What are you doing to make an eternal difference in the life of someone else??
I can get so caught up in just every day life and totally miss opportunities to make a difference.
Give Big to God's Kingdom people!!!
It's a blast when we do it!!! No matter the deed....we will sow what we reap. And, personally, I want a GIANT harvest for Him. (Gal 6:7)
I love you Jesus. Show me ways to help others today. I want to make a difference for you!
I want to Give Big for YOU!!!!
Deut. 15:10"Give generously to him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you do."
Blessings dear ones~
Monday, March 3, 2008
This is not about a show or person....its the concept.
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Yes, Fran. Something about taking the focus off ourselves and being about others that makes us look a little more like Christ. That is who you are, Fran. Your compassion rings through every piece you write, even your comments. We are blessed to be a blessing. Love, Annette
I saw it! It was a great show. There is a lady on there from the Nashville area. I love her honesty, she thought only of herself for most of her life and now she wants to give back because she has been so blessed. God wants to bless us and be a blessing to others. The widow and her two daughters was so sad and touching in how they gave to this family. Changing subjects, I read on the LPM blog you were going to Louisville in August, had I known that I would have kept my ticket but I couldn't do San Antonio and Louisville. :(
Have a great Monday!
You are all heart, bless you my friend.
Hi! I hopped over from Earen's blog. I did see the show, and I LOVED it. I cried like a baby, as I did with Extreme Home Makeover, and I WAS completely wiped out! I can't wait to see it unfold. I loved how you realted it to us, and our wonderful God. "Give Big to God's Kingdom"...AMEN!
Oh, I hate that i missed the show! I cry enough watching Home Make over! Praise the Lord for shows that shine the spotlight on giving rather than getting!! Praise the Lord He can even use Oprah! haha
Thanks for the encouragement to make a difference for His kingdom TODAY!
blessings to you, dear one!
Mmm Hmmm, yep! Amen!
I just read on your comment on Dori's--you are going to San Antonio?? Oh yeah! I'm so excited!
Praying for you, friend!
I missed the show and I'm kicking myself! It looked really good!
I unfortunately missed it! But, Jen filled me in on the whole thing! I'll have to watch it next Sunday. I didn't know it was coming on again, so thank you for letting us know!
Much love-
I did watch it and I loved it!! So good!! The best reality show ever!!! Well that and The Biggest Loser!
I didn't get to see it, I'll have to try and catch it next week. I could totally see you doing something like that Fran!
Fran, I am looking forward to meeting you in san antonio,tx I alway love when you post on my blog makes me feel important in my little old blog. marina
I didn't see it either...but I'll watch next sunday---i haven't watched tv for two years now since we were let go from our church 2 yrs. ago, as I just got so engrossed and interested in reading more and it fell by wayside and we haven't had a tv either, weird huh? I would be a puddle like you watching it...I feel like I have known you for a lifetime...and I'm sure I won't be able to get a word out of my mouth through the tears when I meet you in S.A....I will be falling and flooding all over you, my dear...and I am old enough to be your mother but you have truly made me feel like your friend (and I'm old enough to be Jenny Hope and Lindsee's grandmother, I'm sure!) but you guys are all so embracing and have crossed age barriers well. We all wrestle with the same stuff. I actually came by to tell you how sorry I am for your seven-week sickness---that is so tough to be so ongoing and I am so sorry! I'll STOP here...with lots of love
ps - i truly enjoy you!
Found you on the LPM blog and wanted to say hi to a fellow coffee lover. Love the post and picture of the coffee cup! One of my besties is also from TN, so you have to be a great gal! Blessings on ya!
Thank you for praying for my dear friends. Isn't it wonderful being family in Christ and knowing that the Father you worship is the same one taking care of these precious hurting ones? Thank you.
Hey Frannie,
I watched it too and cried like a baby, which is really, really unusual for me. I'm not much of a crier. But it touched a part of me that most commercial tv programming doesn't. Regardless, I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one crying!!
Are you going to Louisville? I'm thinking about it, but didn't want to go by myself. I'm already going to San Antonio, but Louisville is driving distance for me. Where are you staying??? Let's talk.
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